God is so awesome in connecting us to the people, places and ministries that help propel his big dream into bigger action.

I got connected with Allan and Bonnie Gallant, who started Agora Network Ministries this past year, and we came together in partnership to work together to help accomplish the same goal:

To support those who struggle with Mental Health, to support those who love those who struggle with mental health, and to bring awareness to the church.

Below is more about Agora Network Ministries, and links to their website for more information.

Bringing Hope and Healing to the Church

A ministry that seeks to educate, equip and engage the local church to the mental health conversation and stigma inside and outside its walls

What is our Goal?

*Build relationships with Pastors and churches – to get to know us and AGORA​

*To educate the Pastor and churches to the mental health conversation and stigma in the church

*Help the churches develop a mental health strategy for their ministry

[su_button url="https://www.agoranetworkministries.com/" target="blank" background="#3a4664" size="10" center="yes"]Learn More[/su_button]

Dont Know Where to Start?

If you're not sure what support is the best for you right now, reach out and talk with me, I'd be happy to guide you in the direction that will best suit your needs!
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