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January 30, 2019
Faith Over Fear

Fear is a debilitating thing. It can take over your mind, It can make you do things you never thought you'd do. Even more so, it makes you NOT do things you want to do.Last year I started encountering my own little physical health crisis. These issues became pretty debilitating to my life but also […]

December 12, 2018
Western Canada

   We are onto our third big trip in 3 months. This time we hopped on a plane and flew from Toronto to Calgary. The goal and purpose of this trip was not only to visit the Rocky Mountains where we lived (met, married, had our first 2 kids) but to also do a Speaking/ […]

October 21, 2018
Virginia-Natural Bridge

Colombia-Virginia    It was supposed to be a 5 hr drive and we were not switching from hotels to camping. So lets just say by dinner time, we had not arrived yet. So I had bought this ‘car slow cooker’ so for longer driving days we could cook while we drove a healthy meal and […]

October 15, 2018

Virginia Beach-Myrtle Beach The drive was a big nervewracking cuz for a while we were driving straight at Hurricane Michael until we ducked away towards MB. We didn’t have any service so was not able to check on which direction the hurricane was going, if anything had changed or anything. At one point it was […]

October 15, 2018

Already, Destination 2: Virginia Beach!! We woke up and packed up our campsite in Washington, I think I forgot to mention in our first post that our campsite was on a slopping hill. It was the worst and the entire site was full so that was our option. So basically where you fell asleep, you […]

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