Day handsome addition horrible sensible goodness two contempt. Evening for married his account removal. Estimable me disposing of  be moonlight cordially curiosity.
October 9, 2018

TORONTO --> WASHINGTON Okay here we go people, post #1 of this crazy adventure. So Oct 6th at 5am we packed, and I mean PACKED everything we needed (and more) into our van, squeezed 3 kiddo’s ages 5,3 and a newly 9 month old into their seats and took off for the open road. Let […]

September 28, 2018
Biking with Kids

So getting BIKE TRAINING in with kids, 3 kids might I add, is more of a challenge than swimming and running I found as I train for triathlons. If there are 1-2 kids, I can put them in the chariot and hook up my bike trailer and off we do--with tons of extra weight to […]

September 5, 2018
Back To School!!

This week we are talking HOW WE DO: BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! Since I am an experienced parent who has sent kids to school....since I have done this all of once :p Here are some tips and tricks for how to get your JK-er prepped for the big day!  

August 30, 2018
Swimming Laps with Kids

So all summer as I have been training for a triathlon, I have had to train for the swim which I thought was going to be the hardest with all 3 kids home and a husband doing a second job renovating our old house aka no time to slip away and train peacefully by myself. […]

August 27, 2018
30 Day Challenge-->Lets REST, RECHARGE AND RESET

I am finally feeling like I am coming out of a tough, dark and awful season of my life. I am not there yet, but taking leaps towards being there because I hate being there. I have been listening to a lot of podcasts on my workouts, and listened to one on my favourite show […]

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