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June 1, 2018
Build him up

My husband struggles with a chronic depression and has been making such amazing progress. The other night I told him how much progress he had made and it hit me how long it had been since I built him up. That my friends, for a successful marriage should not be a foreign feeling!! What I […]

May 7, 2018
Camping with Little Ones

Camping with Babies and Toddlers I have been camping with kids since my oldest was 5 months (one camping trip was 2.5 month long one with a 1 month old and 2 year old) and have learned many helpful tips, and many lessons the hard way so now that summer is underway and camping season is […]

May 2, 2018

[buzzsprout episode='694895' player='true']

May 2, 2018
The Early Years

[buzzsprout episode='694883' player='true']

April 24, 2018

Parenting is tough-but Christian parenting is NEXT LEVEL! Not only do we want our kids to learn to share, make friends, be kind and nice but also add onto it their salvation, developing a relationship with God, living in a counter-cultural way etc etc is a HUGE portion of our parenting!! Join me as and […]

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