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November 4, 2017
Life Unexpected: A glimpse into a difficult season

I am coming out of a rough season of my life. It was an unexpected yet very lesson-filled season. Things in my life were looking great; I just signed a book deal to get a book published, my husband and I started an outdoor adventure business and I am in the middle of planning an […]

November 4, 2017

  I want to tell you a bit about my experiences on my way to the big dream God gave me. Throughout my life, God has presented the same dream to me 4 different times. The 1st time I ignored it, the second time I got excited and then scared and pushed it away, the […]

November 4, 2017
Being a Missionary in your Own Backyard

There is a common misconception that you have to travel oversea’s to a third world country to be a missionary. This simply is not true.  At no point does Jesus say only people who go into third world countries are missionaries. Now its true, God does call some to get on a plane, but what […]

November 4, 2017
Running Life

I have started exercising again, after 3 kids and eating chocolate and freeze’s as a food group, it was time to give up the dream and start getting healthy again.  So I have started running and even signed up for some out of my comfort zone races for a specific goal to work towards.  As I […]

November 4, 2017
Ministering Wherever you’re at

Sometimes you are living out the dream God has called for your life. Sometimes you are in the mundane and middle part of the process. Either way, whether you are working in an Orphanage in Africa, or working at a secular job in North America…we need to Minister and be a witness to others wherever […]